First up is "the Boy". Notice he is crawling towards the dumbell. Beefcakes, I think you have some competition.
Next up is "the Bike". Luke wanted me to post a couple of pics of my
new rides, the one on the right is my six13 with full D/A group, D/A wheels, and Ritchey WCS. Light. I like it. Notice I did not call it a "groupo". Groupo is an I-tallian word and should only be used when talking about Campy or campy stuff. Below is my Scalpel MTB. New XTR and XT. I like this one too, notice it is still a bit dirty from my last ride. These bikes are Junior Varsity approved.
I rode with the Meathead last night for a while. Fun times. It was good to catch up with his Dudeness and actually get out on the bike for a while. Then we had Mexican (big shocker there). So I am in the process of starting a car audio page on because I think I should. So, I'll post a linky here when I get it done and you can go and vote on my car. Ab-so-lute gayness indeed. I have a pic to send from my phone of something funny I saw last night while leaving Sams Club. That will be later.
Don't make riding with the Dude a habbit. You know what happens. You've been there once already this year. Riding with the Dude= riding in the back= riding off the back= droppage.
"tricked droppage" would be what that is called.
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