Thursday, May 03, 2007

What have I been doing?

Quite a bit actually. The past few weeks have been pretty busy. Dillon is going about a hundred miles an hour and it is taking its toll. He always has to be into something, or not listening to what we tell him. He is also going through this stage where he wants to be held at the most inoppertune times, like when you are trying to fix dinner or get ready for work. Nice. Alicia is doing good. She ran a 5k last weekend in Rolla and posted a very respectable time. The weather was nasty too, with a lot of fog and humidity. We stayed with C and K at K's parents house and slept on the most comfortable pull out bed in the world. Curt and Krista were in town for a couple of days, I got out and rode on the road with Curt for a bit. Nice indeed. We hit up Flat branch for food. I have been drinking my Badger Milk like a good boy (ask Curt). I am going to rock out at the Rhetts Run MTB race this weekend, it should be sloppy with all of the rain we have had. So, I am rolling the single speed. I have been sick too, for the past week. Not fun. Work is the usual, somewhat busy. With my lack of training and my almost 180 lb. girth, Rhetts Run should hurt. A lot. Wish me luck...

1 comment:

RockDoc said...

Luck????All you need is the Badger Milk...mmmm, badger milk.