Sunday, June 04, 2006

I want to ride my SS

I decided not to do the mtb race at landahl park in kc today. Good move, it is raining there right now. The rest of this past week has been pretty uneventful. Work was the norm. We had our monthly picnicn and I came away from it with the usual monthly stomach ache. Yah, I thought I wasn't going to make it to the bathroom as soon as the picnic was over. We have 2 bathrooms at work, one upstairs and one downstairs. The upstairs one is cleaner since not a lot of people use it, and warmer too. Downstairs is like a meatlocker, and while not dirty (unlike the crappers at Wal Mart where I have seen things like poo-graffiti on the walls to poop in the urinals), it is used more by the peeps that work down there. So, I ran up the stairs to hit the can, only to find it occupado by someone else whose meal prolly didn't agree. So, back downstairs, urgent pace, thought about undoing my jeans on the way there. What else? Friday night we had mexican food with an unamed party to be disclosed later. Said unnamed party also came over to our house after Dillon went to bed and hung out. Rode yesterday with Kersha. alicia got some good news, she passed her counseling test and now is a for real licensed counselor. I am very proud of her. Dillon is feeling better I think, he is eating some food other then graham crackers and drinking some formula again finaly. Not a lot else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.