Monday, July 31, 2006

Dis weekend

Holy crap it is hot!! Friday night Alicia's mom and little bro showed up, so we had a little bbq. Good food, I am awesome on the grill, even though it is hard to screw up anything cooked on the grill. Saturday I went on a Rockstar loop ride with Curt and Darby. It would have been an easy ride had I not rode my track bike with 49x14 gearing and no brakes. So, that made for an unpleasant time and my legs are definitely still mad at me for doing that to them. We went and got everything we needed for Dillons b-day party and made a side trip to the mall to kill some time. The mall was dumb crowded, everybody was trying to beat the 100 degree raw temperature by hanging out in the A.C. I fired up the grill for the 2nd time in as many days for dinner. There were quite a few people over at our place, Kershas, Kippenbergers, Schwarz's, family, Darby. I ate a ton of cake, and I do mean a ton. Like half of one of the birthday cakes. I paid the price for it Sunday morning by turning the water a smrf blue in the toilet. Nice!! So, Dillon got a bunch of stuff, thanks to everybody for celebrating with us. He also got his first taste of cake, the little guy was digging it. Sunday was pretty uneventful, cut the grass, went for a walk, groceries, you know the drill. We watched "The Hills Have Eyes" last night, it was prolly the most disturbing movie I have seen in a long time. It was also nice to have a good old horror movie without CG. Much more realistic, IMO.

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