Sunday, July 02, 2006

Poopy pants

So this will be somewhat quick, but I have a bit of free time; my lunch was interupted by a very urgent matter. Thank you antibiotics. So, obviously I haven't been riding. I went back to work on Wednesday after being off for a week and a half. Nothing new, but it was kind of nice to get in the groove a bit. My shoulder has a very nice black scab over the hole now, and the road rash is dry up there too. But, the rach on my hip is still open and wet and messy, making for some fun times at night when I wake up and it is stuck to the sheets. Still sore too. I want to say thanks to everyone who called, came by, or whatever just to make sure I was ok. Props to Greg too, for hooking up a gimpy brother with a twelve of Steel reserve painkiller. So I have been going to the mall a lot, limping about with Alicia and Dillon. Speaking of Dillon, he is now walking for real!! He is going like mad, walking all around the house without any help. It is fun watching him! He is really growing up. I got out and rode for about an hour very easy around town with Franklin this morning. Painful, the scabs on my shoulder are stif and the rubbing of my shorts on my rash sucked. I don't know how some people ride with this crap the day after it happens. I don't mind pain, actually I embrace it, but I like to keep my wounds clean. I am not going to really say anything about the Tour, but I am not surprised. I think Matt Decanio is right about a lot of things. Anyway, I think Chad at work is goind to hook me up with Animal Crossing for the DS tomorrow, which you can play online. It is a social/lifestyle game where you create a character and move into town, shop, work, fish, etc. I had it on the Game Cube. With the DS, you can play online and go to other peoples towns to get rare items, money, etc, and chat. All over the world. So I think I am going to set up 2 accounts, one nice account that I will use to get a huge house with lots of rare stuff and cool furniture, and be a nice guy, and one account that I will use to be a shithead, trashing others towns and whatnot. Fun times, and yes, I am a nerd.So, now it is time for a few pics.

This is Dillon getting in trouble:

This is me with my signature Mick Jagger game face:

This is my Rock Lobster CX bike. Notice it is a singlespeed and has Campy Record MTB cranks:

This is Pinky:

Guess who this is? The caption on the shirt says it all, I am so motherfuckin' hot. Thanks go to Alicia for this pic:


RockDoc said...

you so hot you big merican man. me show you lot love.

Alicia said...

Oh, my!